An analog black and white darkroom for women artists to develop and print their negatives.

Private darkroom for one to two people.

Open:  Tuesday-Saturday, 1:00-6:00 PM

Rental Rate:  $35.00 per hour.

To book time in the darkroom, please email:  info@thewomensdarkroom.com


  • Durst 138 enlarger with Pavelle 402 head. Prints: 35mm, 120mm, 6×9″, 4×5″ (For 5×7″, you need to bring a 210mm lens for printing).
  • Leitz enlarger. Prints 35mm, 120mm negatives.
  • Comfortably prints up to 16×20” (We are working on mural printing capabilities).
  • Hot/Cold water filtration with two 20 micron filter cartridges.